For Boy Moms

Just for YOU, Boy Mom! When He’s Distant When a man-child is small, smelling of powder or all-day play, it’s hard to imagine he could drift. But he can. If you reach out and find your boy’s heart distant, take heart. As he grows, he may need space to wrestle...


Together We Make Prayer Your First and Best Response to Motherhood Download your free chapter of Praying Mom now. You Are One in a Million   …uniquely created by God for His purpose AND part of something much bigger than you could ever be alone. At Million...
What is ThanksLIVING?

What is ThanksLIVING?

I’m glad you asked. Simply put, thanksLIVING is living with thanks…a lifestyle of thanksgiving that goes beyond one month of the year to the everyday moments of life. And why is thanksLIVING important? As Ann Voskamp says, “As long as thanks is...
Million Praying Moms is Hiring!

Million Praying Moms is Hiring!

Introducing the Mother and Son Prayer Journal If you want your children to have vibrant prayer lives, you have to be intentional about it. “Christie Thomas has done a wonderful job of unpacking the truths of the Bible in a way that speaks to the heart of young...

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