A Prayer for Church Hurt

A Prayer for Church Hurt

  APPLE PODCASTS    †     SPOTIFY  Have you ever been hurt, betrayed, or slandered by someone within the church? Someone who is a brother or sister in Christ? I truly believe that this kind of hurt or betrayal is the hardest of all to process because, while we...
A Prayer for Wise Friends

A Prayer for Wise Friends

  APPLE PODCASTS    †     SPOTIFY  The advice our kids take sometimes might make little difference in their lives, but at other times it can profoundly affect our children’s future. Having good friends who give wise advice during critical moments is essential in...
A Prayer to Not be Judgmental

A Prayer to Not be Judgmental

  APPLE PODCASTS    †     SPOTIFY  In my very early days of motherhood, I went through a season when I saw everything as either black or white, right or wrong, good or bad. With a fearful heart, and in an effort to attempt to take control of everything that might...

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