by Tara Cole | Sep 28, 2022 | Prayer
If the first reason for prayer is the examples we are given in God’s Word, our second reason follows closely behind. The Creator of the Universe, Lord of Heaven’s Armies, invites us to pray to Him. Can you even imagine!? A being more powerful than anything...
by Tara Cole | Sep 26, 2022 | Prayer
In the aftermath of the school shooting at Uvalde, Texas, I saw many memes on social media that questioned the power of prayer. Some went as far as to say, “Why don’t the Christians stop praying and do something?” Maybe you saw them, too, and wondered if they were...
by Brooke McGlothlin | Aug 24, 2022 | Bits of Brooke
One of the hardest things to do as a mom is watch your baby, regardless of age, struggle. It is our nature to want to fix it and take away the pain. We want to kiss the boo-boo and make it better. But maturity in Christ requires growth through...
by Brooke McGlothlin | Jul 19, 2022 | Prayer Calendars
Confession? I have prayed through the Psalms before. Several years ago, I took three months and prayed through the entire book of Psalms. It was absolutely perfect timing for me, because my family lost a family member during that time, and the Psalms offered me the...
by Brooke McGlothlin | Jul 12, 2022 | Everyday Prayers, Podcast
Are you worried about sending your child back to school? Are you concerned about their safety (remembering the tragic way we ended the last school year)? Do you wish you could control their circumstances, and wonder how you’ll be able to trust God with your most...