by Brooke McGlothlin | Jan 11, 2023
Peace is not a feeling. It’s a fruit of the Spirit…something that takes shape and grows truer and stronger in the heart of a believer over time. But we have to choose to fertilize it, even when times are hard. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 reminds us that Jesus is the Lord of...
by Brooke McGlothlin | Jan 31, 2024 | Podcast
There are over 200 episodes of the Million Praying Moms podcast, dating all the way back to May of 2019. We have really been through it together, haven’t we? When Erin Mohring, the co-creator of Million Praying Moms, and I first started this endeavor, we...
by Brooke McGlothlin | Jan 30, 2024 | Podcast
Is it biblical to walk through life alone? How does community impact our faith? When my children were young, and I still worked outside of the home, I spent some time as a Bible study leader in our church’s women’s ministry. What we found was that no...
by Brooke McGlothlin | Jan 23, 2024 | Podcast, REconstructing Faith
What if I don’t FEEL full of faith? What if it doesn’t FEEL like God is being faithful to me, or to my family? What if I’ve prayed and begged God to show Himself faithful, but I just can’t feel it, or see it with my own eyes? These are the...
by Brooke McGlothlin | Jan 16, 2024 | Podcast, REconstructing Faith
Is it possible to have perfect faith? Will there ever be a time when your level of faith is exactly what you need, or will it always feel like you just don’t have enough? Are you tempted to throw the entire thing out the window when questions threaten to...