Introducing Everyday Prayers for Peace

Peace is not the absence of pain. It’s the practice of the presence of God. It doesn’t have to depend on what’s happening around us. Peace is not just quiet, although it can be that. Peace is an internal state that belongs to us as children of God…Jesus...
The Lord’s Prayer for Busy Moms

The Lord’s Prayer for Busy Moms

The words of Matthew 6:9-13 are familiar to most Christians as the The Lord’s Prayer. In fact, many of us have these rich words memorized, and recite them in church or as a family without really understanding what we’re praying or what they have to do with...
Everyday Prayers for Hope

Everyday Prayers for Hope

Do you feel like you’ve come to the end of yourself? Are you waving the white flag in the midst of this messy world, begging God to give you a little bit of hope? Well, we have good news! Hope made His entrance in Luke chapter two in probably the messiest place...

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