All this season, I’m interviewing REAL moms, with REAL challenges, who have overcome to have REAL, vibrant prayer lives. Their stories are, well, real, and I’ve picked 6 of them to share with you over the next six weeks. If you like them, follow MPM on IG at MPM and listen to them all.
The ones I’ve chosen for this season are intended to give you a diversity of personal story, and my hope is that you’ll hear your story reflected in one of theirs. Maybe in all of them. Today, we hear from Sandra Peoples, who shares about the struggles of her prayer life as a special needs mom. What Sandra shared in this brief interview stuck with me, and dug its way into my heart for weeks after we recorded.
Tune in now to listen for yourself and be encouraged to overcome your own challenges to prayer!
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Praying Mom: Making Prayer the First and Best Response to Motherhood
Unexpected Blessings: The Joys and Possibilities of Life in a Special-Needs Family