Resources To Help You Over The Hurdles In Your Prayer Life
At Million Praying Moms, our mission is to help moms make prayer their first and best response to the challenges of parenting. To help you on that journey, we’ve produced lots of free and reasonably priced materials over the years! Choose your resource below to learn more, purchase, or get signed up!
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Praying for Boys: Asking God for the Things They Need Most
This encouraging book helps you target your prayers on what your son needs most–from patience and self-control to having a pure heart and making wise decisions.
- learn to fight for your son’s heart in prayer
- look at raising boys as a gift
- see how even quick prayers make a difference
- understand boys’ deepest struggles, no matter their age
- rest in knowing that God is the only One who can change your son’s heart
Includes a 21-Day Prayer Guide for Small Groups, in Person or Online!

Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most
Instead of feeling overwhelmed by concerns for your daughter, enjoy the peace that comes when you pray targeted prayers for her straight from the Bible. No matter your girl’s age, pray confidently about struggles she may be facing now and in the years to come.
Covering five vital areas of a girl’s life–her identity, heart, mind, relationships, and purpose–this easy-to-use book is ideal for anyone who feels intimidated or uncertain about what to pray for the girl they love. Rounding out the book are conversation starters and fun activities to help you guide your daughter into becoming a godly woman.

5 Day Praying For Boys Challenge
Prayer is the most important, but most overlooked part of Christian parenting today. Why not make it a priority?
Set aside the next 5 days to pray intentionally and thoughtfully over the hearts of our sons!
This 5-day prayer challenge by Brooke McGlothlin is based on Ephesians 6:10-18, the Armor of God. Inside, we’ll look at our own hearts as moms, making sure WE are putting on the armor first, and then apply it to our sons, asking God to move in their hearts and ours.

5 Day Praying For Girls Challenge
This 5-day prayer challenge from Teri Lynne Underwood is an opportunity for moms to pray over 5 key areas of their daughters’ lives:
- Identity
- Heart
- Mind
- Relationships
- Purpose
Also, because we know how important communication is, each day includes a conversation prompt to help you discuss each of these areas and share biblical truth with your girl. {And, you might be surprised at how much these same prayers mean to you as a grown-up girl.}
Everyday Prayers
Do You Struggle to Know What to Pray? The Everyday Prayers library is meant to help you bring the holy into the every day, “ordinary,” moments of your day. With specific, scripture-based prayers like “a prayer for cooking dinner, ” or “a prayer for bath time,” or, “a prayer for changing diapers,” or, “a prayer for starting homework,” or even, a prayer for getting ready for church,” we’ve broken down the ages and stages of a child’s life from infancy to adulthood, and given you specific prayers you can use throughout the moments of your day to help you make prayer your first and best response to motherhood.

7 Essential Prayers for Every Mom
We’re all the time telling you to pray for your kids, and you should be, but for the next few days, we’re going to pause and pray for YOU.
Because we all want God to do something in the hearts of our children, but often, we just need Him to do something in ours.
Inside of this challenge, we’ll send you 7 days of prayer that cover these topics:
Day 1 – A Prayer for When You’re Losing it All Over Everyone
Day 2 – A Prayer to Breathe New Life into Your Day
Day 3 – A Prayer for Calm in the Chaos
Day 4 – A Prayer for an Understanding and Patient Heart
Day 5 – A Prayer for Wisdom in the Moment
Day 6 – A Prayer for Faith to Let Go
Day 7 – A Prayer for Bridging the Generations

Mary Prayers: 5 Prayers for a Mom’s Heart
Have you ever stopped to think about Mary’s relationship with Jesus? Not just her status as “mother of the Son of God…” but her intimate role as Jesus’ earthly mom. Mary was a good, if imperfect, mother to Jesus. Sometimes she got it, other times she missed the mark, but Luke 1:46-49 give me insight into her heart. There are a few things from these verses, spoken by Mary as she visited her cousin Elizabeth—also miraculously with child—that we can take away and use as our foundation as we make our way through the Advent season…

Choosing Your Verse of the Year
Choosing a verse to pray for your family is so important. Actually, it isn’t just about the verse…it’s about the process that helps get you there. You see, life is busy. While we might like to think we always know what’s going on in the hearts and minds of our children, we don’t know more than we care to admit.
That’s why it’s so important to take intentional time with God, asking Him to help us see things we can’t see on our own. Consider this your challenge to set aside five days to look with fresh eyes at the prayer needs of your family.

Prayer Journals
Pray the Word of God over YOUR Children!