Dear Million Praying Moms Family,
Times are hard for everyone. Members of our MPM family are struggling with financial, relational, physical, and even spiritual needs that are urgent and feel overwhelming. Even those who have not been directly affected by Covid-19 are dealing with the pressures related to back-to-school, and looking forward to an uncertain future. Life has been interrupted to say the least.
The first thing we want to say is that we believe Romans 8:28 has not changed.
“We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”
Here’s a video message from our Founders, Brooke McGlothlin and Erin Mohring:
God is on the throne. He is in control. Covid-19 and all that has come with it did not take Him by surprise. Therefore, we can and will continue to trust Him with our lives and with the ministry of Million Praying Moms. We honestly feel that at least part of the reason God asked us to create Million Praying Moms was for such a time as this. The world needs prayer more than ever before. It is not a last resort, but the first and best response to the challenges of life. More than that, prayer is the way God has given us to partner with Him in fulfilling His will here on earth. We don’t have to understand how or why. We simply must choose to believe it is so, because God’s Word says it is so, and then drop to our knees in prayer. According to recent research, people are turning to prayer more and more as this crisis unfolds. As people of God, the ones entrusted with the Good News of the Gospel others are looking for now more than ever, it is our responsibility to keep proclaiming that God answers prayer, and Jesus saves. We plan to do just that, with your help.
We are all having to make hard decisions, some much harder than others. We are not asking you to help if you can’t. Please, do not give or help if God doesn’t lead you to do so. It may be that He has directed your efforts and funds elsewhere for His Kingdom’s expansion, and we support that 100%.
But if you are able to give, and feel that God is leading you to give specifically to Million Praying Moms, here’s how you can help:
(Note: we are not a 501c3. Therefore, the very best way to support our ministry is through our ongoing paid resources and programs designed to teach moms to pray. If you don’t need our resources or programs yourself, please purchase them for a friend or family member who does).
1. Set your alarm to go off at 4:12PM every day for the next week.
Hebrews 4:12 has been a very important verse for our ministry since its beginning. We believe the Word of God is living and active, and that’s why we pray it for ourselves, our families, and our communities. It’s why we teach you to pray scripture for yours. For the next week, join us at 4:12pm 9regardless of time zone) and ask God to provide for the financial needs of Million Praying Moms.
2. Join the Million Praying Moms Circle.
For just $8 per month, you have access to a growing library of digital and physical resources designed to help you be the kind of mom who fights for her kids using tools straight from God’s Word! We have the solutions you need for the challenges you face as Christian moms today, and we can’t wait to share them with you inside of The Circle! Click here to get started.
3. Check out our Everyday Prayers Prayer Journal Library.
These beautiful, topical prayer journals, are yours free in digital form when you join the Circle. And Circle members get a 20% coupon off the physical copy! But if The Circle isn’t for you at this time, you can buy them individually inside of our Christian Mom Shop!
4. Check out all of the instant digital download resources we have for you inside of the Christian Mom Shop.
There are all kinds of inexpensive helps just waiting for you to grab! Click here to look at them all.
5. Purchase your Million Praying Moms gear inside of the Christian Mom Shop!
Click here to see all of our praying moms gear.
6. Shop the Million Praying Moms Amazon Store!
We’ve curated a few of our favorite things just for you and your family! Journaling supplies, books for boys and girls, books for moms, and more! Keep in mind, the best way to get our book recommendations right now is by purchasing the ebook version (and the authors on our team thank you!). Click here to see them all.
7. If you’re a boymom, consider joining our exclusive Fight Like a Boymom Program.
This is Brooke McGlothlin’s exclusive program designed for moms of “those boys…” the kind who are 250% boy. It is a self-study process, which means you can go through it at your own pace. To learn more about it, click here.
For years, we have signed our emails, “Serving Together,” and we believe this is true now perhaps more than ever before.
We are going to need each other in new ways to come out on the other side of this thriving instead of just surviving. If you can help keep Million Praying Moms alive and well by purchasing from the list above, we appreciate it so much. If you can’t, we are believing God will provide the means to allow us to keep serving you at a time in history when prayer matters most.
Much love, and always serving together,
Brooke McGlothlin and Erin Mohring, Million Praying Moms
Great article, Brooke! I have been guilty of the same, I’m praying! And then I move on – but I’ve learned to be intentional in my comments. I either pray before I press the send button, or right before, but I always offer a prayer at that moment. If time allows, I type my prayer in the comments <- keeps me accountable. And I also love to scroll and pray.
You’re welcome, Shelly! Thanks for being authentic and accountable!