If you’ve been around Million Praying Moms for any length of time, you’ve heard my story…but if you’re new to the family, I’d like you to know how becoming a praying mom changed my life. Here’s my story:
Beer and cigarettes.
Yep…you read that right. Beer and cigarettes. The phone call went something like this:
“Honey, I need you to come home now. The two-year-old is screaming because he wants to sit on my lap while I’m nursing the baby. The baby is screaming because the two-year-old keeps trying to sit on his head. When the two-year-old tries to sit on the baby’s head he can’t nurse. Now he won’t nurse at all and is screaming his head off. The dog has started crying because he wants to be fed (doesn’t everybody!!!) and I’m going to explode within the next ten minutes if you don’t COME HOME AND BRING ME BEER AND CIGARETTES RIGHT NOW!!”
He brought me a Coke and dark chocolate. (Excerpted from Hope for the Weary Mom).
Yes, that’s a true story. I actually did call my husband from our front porch and ask him to leave work to bring me beer and cigarettes. I don’t really drink, and I don’t smoke.
I can look back on that story now, about 10 years later, and laugh (hard) because it really is a funny story, but in the moment, it wasn’t funny at all.
You might be in the same stage as I was then, just keeping your head above water…
Or your kids might be in middle school, and you’re just keeping your head above water…
Or your kids might be in the throes of high school, or college, and you’re just keeping your head above water…
Or maybe they’re not even in your home anymore, and you’re just keeping your head above water.
Do you see the pattern here? Moms of all ages and stages can often feel like they’re just barely keeping their head above water. I certainly did.
But praying God’s Word over my children, over my home, changed that.
It didn’t make my challenging situation go away. There are still plenty of things that happen around here that threaten to take me under. The difference is that I now know how to handle them.
By praying God’s Word.
Praying scripture helps me keep my thoughts under control, helps me see the world through God’s eyes, and gives me a consistent source of hope when things get messy. Bonus? Praying scripture gives us guaranteed outcomes because God’s Word will accomplish exactly what He purposes for it.
Can you see how praying this way brings more hope and peace into the moments of your day?
Life is too short to allow weariness, or stress, or all the things life is throwing at your kids to steal from you. Pre-order the entire Everyday Prayers library today by clicking here and take back the moments of your day.
Is there an available download of the first few days? I just saw this tonight and I ordered the book from Amazon but it says it won’t be here until May 13.
Hi Kristi! You could download a sample of the Kindle version onto your Kindle or Kindle app! That might help!
Could elaborate on what it looks like to “keep your child’s heart”
I’ll do the best I can, but my mentor Ruth, was so much better at it 🙂 I think at it’s core it just means to keep relationship with your child. As they grow up, the relationship changes. It should. But it doesn’t have to end. Having your child’s heart means they trust you, want to come to you, and will listen to you even if they decide to do something different from you. They value you. This isn’t something that comes naturally…it’s something we have to work for. I hope this helps!