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“This is by far the best resource I have found for parenting and I’m hoping to use this as something I can leave as kind of a journal or record for my kids as well of the prayers I prayed for them. I wish I had it years ago.” -Laura Kreitler
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A Prayer to Embrace God’s Kindness
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY You're going to need a full hysterectomy. My doctor delivered this statement over the phone the day before Thanksgiving. Before we hung up, she also shared that my recent blood test results were concerning and she was referring me to a...
A Prayer to Embrace God’s Timing
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY Nearly three decades later, I can still remember the heavens gates and hell flames play I attended at church. The flickering lights, eerie music, and impassioned actors created a vivid representation of...
A Prayer for Understanding Love
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY What is love? A group of adults posed this question to children. A seven-year-old named Dany answered, "Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy, and she takes a sip before giving it to him to make...
A Prayer to Wait Patiently for the Lord
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY It was one of those, “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad” days. From the moment I woke up to find our air conditioner wasn't working during a hot Alabama summer, it was clear this day wasn't going in...
A Prayer for Personal Godliness
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY Our oldest son ran ahead of us on the pine needle softened trail as we hiked through Vermont's Green Mountains. Coming on a section boggy from recent rains, he trotted along the edge. Suddenly, he plunged...
A Prayer for When God is Silent
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY One of the main reasons I love to pray the word of God and encourage and teach others to do the same is because I believe God will always be true to it. There may not be many specific instructions for...