If you’re anything like me, you sometimes miss perfect opportunities to invite God into the messiness of life because…well…life is messy.
And busy.
And sometimes it’s hard to even think straight, much less know what to pray.
Am I right?
That’s why Million Praying Moms has put together a resource designed to help you speak with God in the everyday moments of your day and your children’s days as they go back to school (any kind of school—public, private, or homeschool).
We call it Everyday Prayers for Back-to-School.
It’s the first in a series of small resources we plan to create for you to help you pray throughout the important moments of your day, and you can get it absolutely free.
Here’s a sample from Everyday Prayers:
Lord, as we make our way through busy stores today, help us remember who we are and Who we represent. Help us to have compassionate hearts toward others and show kindness, humility, meekness, and patience to those we encounter today. Help us to put on a loving attitude, just like we put on our clothes each day, and may the peace of Christ rule in our hearts giving us a spirit of thankfulness as we gather all we need. In Jesus’ Name, amen (Colossians 3:15-17).
Inside of Everyday Prayers, you’ll find scripture inspired prayers for normal back-to-school activities, like:
- Making new friends
- The first bus ride
- Changing to a new school
- Picking a curriculum,
- Before the first game
- And more!
To get your FREE copy of Everyday Prayers for Back-to-School, simply follow this link and enter your email address in the form provided. You’ll be taken straight to a download page where you can have immediate access.
We wish you all the best in this new school year!
I appreciate this post so much. I honestly try to pray right when I say that I am praying because I know I am likely to forget. I have also found that I like typing out a prayer in the Facebook response. Often it has long and only a few words show up when someone is scrolling. But I do think it is comforting to the original poster to know that someone actually prayed and has words for what they are going through. I also realize that for people who may just be posting the word that they are praying, if they are reading my prayer, it can be there pair too.
Ella Herlihy can I say that you are absolutely soft on. I read your prayer and have got great comfort for it. My son is being bullied and I needed to hear this today. God bless you
9/29 marks 14 years since my 1st miscarriage and 2/14 will be 6 years for my 2nd miscarriage. How different my life would be with 3 kiddos? I’m grateful for our 1 kiddo, I tease him he was our 1 good egg. He has brought us so much joy. I try to take comfort that we had 1 kiddo but sometimes the sadness bubbles up.