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A Prayer to Remember You Are Loved
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY We sit in the rocking chair, my husband bought for me my first Mother's Day, and begin the back and forth motion I used to rock her and her three sisters to sleep. We settle in with her blanket and she asks me, "Mommy, sing Jesus?" I...
A Prayer to the God of Miracles
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY Merriam-Webster defines a miracle as an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment. I think they're wrong. More often than not, God works in the small, not-so-grand events in our lives and calls that the...
A Prayer to Remember God’s Word is True
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY Some days we need a friend to look us in the eyes and tell us like it is. My friend Lisa is a truth teller in every good way. Right after my first daughter was born, I asked her if I was ever going to feel rested again. She looked at...
A Prayer to Remember God’s Word is For You
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY When I was a young Christian, I knew I should be reading the Bible. I believed it was the truth and that I should be obeying what it had to say. I embraced that mindset early on by the grace of God, but I didn't know how to activate...
A Prayer to Remember God Sings Over You
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY I make myself a cup of coffee and sit down in my big red chair. It's not even six in the morning. In the last week, I've slept a sum total of ten hours. I'm severely lacking and beginning to think sleep is a thorn in my flesh and I...
A Prayer to Remember God Fights for You
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY I had a fight at obscene-30 in the morning. Maybe it was just because I was alone in the hotel room and felt vulnerable lying there in the dark. Or maybe it was because I'd had my breath taken away by an insult two days before, and I...