NOTHING has shown me my need for God like motherhood.
When my two children were young, the common challenges of motherhood left me completely overwhelmed and sometimes even hopeless. It didn’t take long to realize that I did not possess the skills needed to be the kind of mom I wanted to be. I’m not talking about skills like changing a diaper, or getting a child to sleep through the night (although there can be a learning curve there, too). I lacked the spiritual skill set to combat the lies the enemy threw at me on a regular basis.
I didn’t know how to see the world through the lens of God’s Word instead of through the sticky lenses of my failures. In fact, there were a LOT of things I didn’t know.
But there was one thing I DID know…
Many years prior to becoming a mom, I chose to follow Jesus, and I believed and had settled in my mind and heart that God’s Word—the Bible—was completely and absolutely true. I had decided to stake my life on it, so when the challenges of motherhood kicked my feet out from under me and left me desperate for help, I turned to the one person I knew I count count on: God.
It seems simple, and it is. I just turned to the God I knew could help me…the God I knew I needed more of…and started to pray.
Specifically, I prayed God’s Word back to Him.
Over time, as I got closer to God, and understood His Word better for myself, I began to look more like the mom I wanted to be in the beginning.
You can too. All it takes it the very first prayer. If you need help, that’s why we’re here.
I tell my entire prayer story inside of my book, Praying Mom: Making Prayer the First and Best Response to Motherhood. If you’d like a free copy of the Foreword (which you should TOTALLY NOT SKIP), the Intro (that goes deeper into what we’ve been talking about here), and Chapter 1 (where we get to the bottom of whether or not prayer actually matters), fill out the form below. It’ll be sent to your email address right away.
💚 Brooke McGlothlin
Oh, I know this one so well. It’s almost as if I wrote this . Hello to all. I’m all in. Thank God for you.
I love this. You’re right, we want to be in control and we want a formula for raising kids that love Jesus and there just isn’t one. But surrendering it all to God and seeking Him to work in them and through me is why my boys are walking with God. Thank you for encouraging moms to pray! So well done.