I know…I know. The song just wouldn’t have the same ring if it said, “My Savior, He can move the mountains, but sometimes He chooses not to…” but it’s the truth. God 100% CAN move any mountain in our lives, but sometimes He chooses something different.
Having faith in what God can do is good.
Belief is good.
Praying for God to remove obstacles in our lives isn’t bad.
But our faith, our belief, and our prayers aren’t what move mountains (they aren’t magical) and we don’t get to choose the mountains that get moved.
Our faith, our belief, and our prayers partner with the GOD Who made the mountain and can make it move if He so chooses. And sometimes He doesn’t.
Sometimes He asks us to walk around it.
Sometimes He asks us to hike over it.
Sometimes He asks us to tunnel through it.
Sometimes He asks us to just sit with it for a while so we can learn to be a comfort to others dealing with the same mountain.
Sometimes we never get rid of it, because it’s what God is using to keep us desperate for Him.
I don’t always understand that. I don’t know why different people get different paths…around, over, through…and I wish I could figure out a rhythm or pattern or something to make it all fit. I wish my faith was where the power comes from but it isn’t. The power comes from the God of my faith, and He chooses what to do with my mountains (and yours).
It isn’t necessarily the message we want to hear, but it’s a true one. And knowing the truth changes our experience of the love and goodness of God. This means everything.
So keep asking God to move the mountain, whatever it is. I plan to.
But know that if He doesn’t move it for you, it doesn’t mean He isn’t good, or that He’s weak, or unloving. It just means your mountain is right where He wants it for now, and so are you.
💚 Brooke McGlothlin
(Bits of Brooke is published each week first on the Million Praying Moms Instagram account. To engage with other praying moms, follow there).
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