Did you know that peace is not a feeling?
According to Galatians 5:22-23, peace—along with other important things like love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control—are FRUIT, not feelings. That means a seed of peace was planted in you the moment you became a believer in Jesus. And if it’s a seed, it can grow.
If you often feel like your life is an emotional roller coaster, and struggle to find consistent peace, join me in the Enjoy God’s Word online women’s Bible conference December 1-3.
The conference is a deep-dive Bible study of the book of Titus, but I’ll be teaching a breakout session called Understanding Biblical Peace. Many Christians feel like their peace is dependent upon the roller coaster of life. In my breakout session, I’m going to show you how to get off the ride. We’ll learn to stop stuffing a worldly definition of peace into a biblical one, and together, find out what true, biblical peace really is.
When you sign up, you get my teaching on biblical peace, some wonderful teaching through the book of Titus from amazing Bible teachers, a community of women who love God’s Word, and other practical sessions for today’s Christian woman. You can see them all here.
In all seriousness, the very best time to get your ticket is NOW.
Sign up today, and your ticket is only $49.
Sign up after December 1, and your ticket is $59.
In my session, you’ll learn:
- My personal peace-stealing story (and the specific, biblical steps God gave me to overcome it).
- Why growing peace is a lot like pruning a garden.
- How you can untangle your peace from your circumstances.
- How to tell the difference between worldly peace vs. biblical peace.
- A step-by-step guide for peace in ANY circumstance (yes, I said ANY).
I hope you’ll make plans to join me. I’ve lived in the cycle…the up and down roller coaster of allowing what’s happening around me to determine what’s happening inside me, and I know it doesn’t have to be that way. If you want off the roller coaster, let me teach you step-by-step how to get off the ride. Just click the button below and get signed up for the Enjoy God’s Word Conference now, at the best price they’ll offer.
I am not on fb. So, I don’t know how to be involved.
I’m sorry, Sherry! In order for us to create the community we want with this, Facebook just gives us the best option. You can still participate if you want by purchasing the book, and following along with the master schedule. You can find it here: https://www.millionprayingmoms.com/start-with-peace-a-challenge-for-your-new-year/