A Prayer to be Weak

A Prayer to be Weak

  APPLE PODCASTS    †     SPOTIFY  How many times since you brought those blue or pink bundles home from the hospital have you wanted to quit trying? In reality your areas of weakness could be very different than mine, but I bet if I asked you to list them right now...
A Prayer for When You’re Desperate

A Prayer for When You’re Desperate

  APPLE PODCASTS    †     SPOTIFY  As mothers, we often face moments when the weight of responsibility and heartbreak feels too much to bear. Perhaps it’s the sleepless nights, the constant demands of parenting, or the deep ache of watching your child struggle....
A Prayer for Discontentment

A Prayer for Discontentment

APPLE PODCASTS    †     SPOTIFY  The street lights highlighted the line of expensive cars in front of the house I was dropping my daughter off at. “Wow” I thought to myself as I put my twelve-year-old car into park and hopped...
A Prayer for the Wisdom of God

A Prayer for the Wisdom of God

APPLE PODCASTS    †     SPOTIFY  The people in line were seekers. They wanted something they believed Dinah could give them. Ultimately they wanted a short cut to wisdom. Dinah’s sign says, “psychic readings.” My daughter and I both know...
A Prayer for Complete Peace

A Prayer for Complete Peace

  APPLE PODCASTS    †     SPOTIFY  I have a tendency to make mountains out of molehills. When I’m confronted with hardship. My mind immediately wants to go through every possible scenario. What if this? What if that? And my peace is gone. I think peace is one of...

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