A Prayer to Remember You Are Forgiven

A Prayer to Remember You Are Forgiven

  APPLE PODCASTS    †     SPOTIFY  You know those skeletons in your closet you hope no one ever finds out about? I have a few of those. I think most everyone does. Mistakes we made in college, stupid choices made in haste, financial decisions with long-term effects,...
A Prayer for Rescue

A Prayer for Rescue

  APPLE PODCASTS    †     SPOTIFY  My friend Robin needed a rescue one day. She was walking home from class our senior year at Indiana University during the blizzard of the century. The odds were not in her favor as she set out uphill in the biting, wind-blown snow...
A Prayer to Remember How Much Jesus Loves You

A Prayer to Remember How Much Jesus Loves You

  APPLE PODCASTS    †     SPOTIFY  The truth is, I don’t remember one single day when I wasn’t aware of God on some level. From the tender age of nine onward, and maybe even before, I’ve known God had a plan for my life, believed he was good and...
A Prayer to Remember God Never Changes

A Prayer to Remember God Never Changes

  APPLE PODCASTS    †     SPOTIFY  Every morning when I wake up and make my way to the same kitchen, the darkness of the morning is a friend to me because it hides the usual left-in-the-sink dishes. Slowly the sun comes up and I see spread before me a day much like...
A Prayer to Remember You Are Loved

A Prayer to Remember You Are Loved

  APPLE PODCASTS    †     SPOTIFY  We sit in the rocking chair, my husband bought for me my first Mother’s Day, and begin the back and forth motion I used to rock her and her three sisters to sleep. We settle in with her blanket and she asks me, “Mommy,...

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