Why do we pontificate and act as if we know so much when we really don’t? It’s not just in parenting. We do the same thing in many areas of life. We think we have solutions to situations others face. We presume we know answers to questions we’ve never actually been forced to ask.
~ Teri Lynne Underwood
Do you struggle to trust God when you can’t see what He’s doing? If so, this episode of Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms is for you. Tune in now to listen to today’s entire devotion and start your day off praying God’s Word for your family!
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About the Author
Teri Lynne Underwood is a champion for women who long for lives where the sacred and secular collide. She is passionate about helping others embrace the overflowing life Christ has for all believers through Bible study, prayer, and discipleship. Connect with Teri Lynne on Instagram at @terilynneu.
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