A Prayer to Live in Humility

Listen to the Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms Podcast every weekday to start your day in God’s Word and prayer for the people you love most.

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It’s hard to admit we need help. Coming to the end of ourselves humbles us. It goes against our self-reliant culture. We want to power, hustle, and fight our way through the hard things. We are proud—we’ve got this. And yet, sometimes it’s not the big thing that humbles us, but the smallest.

How have you seen God humble you? What does it mean to think of yourself less, even in difficult times? Listen to today’s podcast episode from Michelle Krol based on Proverbs 11:2.

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About the Author

Michelle Krol guides moms in grace to embrace the ministry within the walls of their own homes and across their kitchen tables. She leads a thriving online community of moms engaging their faith and growing the hearts of their families toward Christ. As a writer, speaker and founder of A Rooted Home, Michelle stays grounded by living out her ministry first at home, with her husband and five teenage boys. Her lively crew can be found always cheering her on and encouraging her to chase the joy in unexpected adventures. Michelle has been writing online since 2009 and is grateful to have been featured in a number of publications and podcasts. You can learn more about working with Michelle here.

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