When we feel that we are different and loved beyond measure by God it is incredible, but it also calls us to do difficult things—to uphold integrity, to be truth tellers, to swim against the current. The world will be pulling at us to fall in line and follow suit. We are asked to stand up and stand alone—to not let the world change us but to change the world around us. It requires strength and vision beyond our own and a deep, unshakable faith.
~Michelle Krol
Tune in now to listen to today’s entire devotion and start your day off praying God’s Word for your family!
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About the Author
Michelle Krol guides moms in grace to embrace the ministry within the walls of their own homes and across their kitchen tables. She leads a thriving online community of moms engaging their faith and growing the hearts of their families toward Christ. As a writer, speaker and founder of A Rooted Home, Michelle stays grounded by living out her ministry first at home, with her husband and five teenage boys. Her lively crew can be found always cheering her on and encouraging her to chase the joy in unexpected adventures. Michelle has been writing online since 2009 and is grateful to have been featured in a number of publications and podcasts. You can learn more about working with Michelle here.