A Prayer to be Amazed by Jesus

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When was the last time you were amazed?

Truly, think about it. It’s tricky isn’t it? I know I’ve been amazed by how quickly my house can get messy or how the dryer shrinks my jeans. I’ve been amazed by the resources it takes to keep a family thriving or amazed by how long it takes to get through a grocery store checkout. But it’s possible I have weakened a bit of the word’s intended potency.

How has our comfort with the gospel of Jesus Christ watered down our understanding of who he is? Have we become salt gradually losing our saltiness? Listen to today’s podcast episode from Katie Westenberg, based on Mark 1:27.

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About the Author

Katie Westenberg is both an author and speaker, who loves teaching women how to grow a robust theology of who God is, become students of Scripture, and learn to live that truth out with courage. She makes her home in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and four children and is the author of I Choose Brave: Embracing Holy Courage and Understanding Godly Fear and But Then She Remembered: How to Give God Your Full Attention in a Distracted World. To learn more about Katie, click here.


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