A Prayer for Living Above Reproach

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He was my daddy. I grew up watching him seek to live his life above reproach. For him, that meant a highly disciplined life, a strict routine, and staying far away from even the appearance of evil. At times, his lifestyle seemed overly rigid to me, but as I have grown and matured, I can see why he chose to live the way he did. He knew how he needed to live in order to honor the Lord and was keenly aware of the things that might tempt him toward sinful decisions.

Why is it so important to live a life above reproach? Listen to today’s podcast episode from Becky Daye based on 1 Timothy 4:16.

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About the Author

Becky Daye is a lover of God’s Word, a mother of four, and a once-upon-a-time writer of devotionals for Million Praying Moms. She serves alongside her pastor husband in Western New York and homeschools her youngest two children while not quite believing that her older two are stepping resolutely into adulthood. Many things have changed in her life over the past several years, but one remains the same – she loves Jesus wholeheartedly and desires to serve him with her life. Find her sharing about life on Instagram.

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