A Prayer for Freedom from Fear

Listen to the Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms Podcast every weekday to start your day in God’s Word and prayer for the people you love most.

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Have you ever looked for something, afraid you’d actually find it? Maybe a job you worried you’d fail miserably at, so you never applied. Maybe friendship at a moms group, but you doubted anybody would talk to you, so you didn’t go. We want Jesus. We know we need to seek him. But when it comes to actually seeking Jesus do our fears get in the way?

Do we doubt God wants to meet with us? Do we avoid seeking Jesus due to our fear? Listen to today’s podcast episode from Julie Kieras, based on Mark 14:66-68.

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About the Author

Julie Kieras lives in Connecticut with her husband and two sons, a teen and a tween! She’s a former English teacher-turned homeschool mom, and she loves gardening, baking, poetry, and camping-as-long-as-hubby-clears-all-the-spiders-first! Her heart is to encourage moms in their God-given purpose of lovingly directing young hearts to Him. The author of several devotionals and a book of retold fairy tales, Julie also writes about parenting and homeschool life on her blog, happystronghome.com. In her spare time (what’s that!?), she’s discovered a love for creating printable homeschool resources on Canva. Her books and printables are available online at Happy Strong Home.


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