A Prayer for Being a Living Testimony

Listen to the Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms Podcast every weekday to start your day in God’s Word and prayer for the people you love most.

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I recently heard a story about a little boy who, because of abuse and neglect at the hands of his own parents, went to live in a foster home. His foster parents were loving people who longed to give him a stable home. On the first day of school, his foster dad drove him to the front of the school and told him, “I’ll be here waiting when school is over.” Immediately the boy began to cry uncontrollably. After some probing, the patient foster dad discovered that in the little boy’s past experience, even when the adults in his life had promised to be there—to pick him up after school—most of the time they didn’t follow through. He was fearful of being left alone.

Do you know God well enough to live in a way that testifies to the gospel? Is your life a living testimony? Listen to today’s podcast episode from Gina Smith, based on Matthew 16:13-17.

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About the Author

Gina Smith is a writer and author. She has been married for 35 years to Brian, a college professor and athletic trainer. For 25+ years, she and her husband served on a Christian college campus as the on-campus parents, where Brian was a professor and dean of students. They reside right outside of Washington, DC, and are the parents of two grown children, one daughter-in-law, one son-in-law, and one granddaughter. She recently authored her first traditionally published book, Everyday Prayers for Joy, which is available everywhere books are sold. You can find Gina at the following: Website: ginalsmith.com, Instagram, and at Million Praying Moms, where she is a writer.


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