When I started doing ministry, over 20 years ago now, I got away from the numbers.
Here are your first five…
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(Click on any of the podcast episode titles to listen now)!
1. A Refresher Course on Prayer, with Brooke and Erin (45:21)
If you’ve been a Christian a long time, it can be easy to get lazy or too familiar with foundational Christian disciplines, like prayer. We say to ourselves, “Of course prayer is important. I know that…” and then we get distracted by life and forget to make it a priority. We’ve all been there. If that describes you, someone who truly does know that prayer is very important, but has maybe let life get in the way of making it a part of your every day experience, this show is for you.
2. Why Does Prayer Matter, with Stacey Thacker (24:52)
Stacey Thacker contributed the story of her husband’s cardiac arrest, and how God walked her through the temptation to stop praying because it felt like God was requiring too much of her, in chapter three of Praying Mom (you can read it when order the book). In the interview, Brooke asks her to share why prayer matters to her. Stacey’s answer is profound and 💯 worth the 20 minute listen.
3. Why Does Prayer Matter, with Teri Lynne Underwood (20:01)
Teri Lynne Underwood contributed the story of being a pastor’s wife, yet STILL struggling to know how to pray in chapter two of Praying Mom (you can read it when you order the book). In the interview, Brooke asks her to share why prayer matters to her. Teri Lynne’s answer is profound and 💯 worth the 20 minute listen.
4. 5 Reasons to Pray Every Day, with Mary DeMuth (41:25)
Have you ever heard a Prayer Warrior say, “Praying will change your entire life!” and wondered what the big deal is? Why does everyone think prayer changes everything? Are there legitimate, “This will change your life” reasons you should be praying every day? If so, what actually changes? Join Brooke McGlothlin and Erin Mohring as they interview author and speaker, Mary DeMuth, sharing life-changing stores, practical tips, and encouragement for getting YOUR prayer life on track!
5. What to Do When Your Kids Disrespect You, with Gina Smith (9:53)
What do you do when your kids disrespect you by talking back and arguing? This is a question asked by LOTS of moms, and we’ve got some godly wisdom! In just 10 minutes, Brooke McGlothlin interviews Gina Smith about how to handle our emotions when our children argue and fuss, and practical steps for being “the adult” in the relationship who models the right way to behave!
Next week I’ll share the top 5 from July – December 2021.