As my children entered their teens and young adult years I began to see, more clearly than ever, that as much as I worked to teach them the truth about where their true value is found, build them up, encourage them, and point out all the wonderful gifts and abilities God had given them, I could not keep out the voice of the world, their flesh, the devil, and the lies that accompany each of those things. I felt grieved whenever one of them would come to me expressing an insecurity they were feeling or a lie they were believing.
Today, I feel the same way, even though they are grown and married. When one of them expresses they feel like a failure or that they don’t know if they are capable of something, my heart breaks because I am able to see them for who they are, what they are capable of, and where their true value comes from. So, how can I help them see where their true worth lies? How can I help them see the lies that are constantly fighting to fill their minds and blind them to the truth?
5 Verses to Pray For Your Child to to Know Their True Worth
Matthew 10:31
Father, cause my child to be reminded that he has more value to You than anything in this world.
Romans 12:2
Father, protect my child from believing the lies of this world. Help them to see the lies for what they are.
John 8:44
Father, please enable my child to be able to recognize the lies of the enemy – the father of lies.
Psalm 139:13-15
Father, help my child to believe that they are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Jeremiah 29:11
Father, remind my child that You have good plans for them and want to use them. You have a future for them.
As a parent I have only so much influence, and that influence becomes less and less as they get older. But I can go to the One who created my children and who wants them to know the truth about themselves, how He has made them, and what plans He has for them, even more than I do. I can go to him in prayer.
Grab your copy of Praying God’s Word for Your Child’s Identity in Christ today!
at her blog. She’s the author of Everyday Prayers for Joy, a 30-Day Devotional & Reflective Journal for Women. Gina Smith is a writer, author, and has been married for 32 years to Brian, a college professor and athletic trainer. For 25+ years she and her husband served on a Christian college campus as the on-campus parents, where Brian was a professor and dean of students. They reside right outside of Washington DC and are the parents of two grown children, one daughter-in-law and one son-in-law. Now an empty-nester, Gina has transitioned her ministry from full-time mom and part-time writer, to being a mom who is available to her adult children as much as they need her and writing as much as she can
I mommy love to pray. I am a warrior. I love pray without ceasing. With pray mom all around country.. I like particular helping mom pray them strength.
I am going to read these scriptures perfectly they’ll help me I feel so alone right now at this moment I don’t even want to be here anymore I know it’s just sent to commit suicide so I try not to do sins that I can’t repent from so suicide is out there window however I feel so alone and I feel like I can’t do anything right anymore for anybody not even myself I’ve lost everything I could possibly lose I am so empty right now I don’t even know where to turn anymore I’m going to read the scriptures I’m going to walk around and pray as I have been I feel like God has truly laughing me and I feel like no matter what I do he doesn’t hear me or listen to me I haven’t done anything like murder or drinking or beating up people or disrespecting live with people who constantly disrespect me lie on me and treat me like dirt it is getting very hard to look up and see that this is the life God chose for me