Today’s helpful post is by Gretta Kennedy and Suzanne Gosselin, authors of Grit and Grace: Devotions for Warrior Moms. Enjoy!
In the midst of a global pandemic, feeling connected to God can be difficult. Many of us are dealing with a tidal wave of emotions: disappointment over cancelled events, anxiety about the health of our loved ones, fear about the economy, grief for lives lost, and loneliness as we’re isolated from others.
As we shelter in place with our families, we’re navigating new territory — juggling work, school and interpersonal dynamics. More than ever, we need to be grounded in Scripture and having daily conversations with our Heavenly Father.
Here are 10 ways we suggest connecting with God during quarantine:
1. Keep worship music on in the background.
When kids are playing, crafting, eating, etc., play music that keeps you focused on Jesus. Even if you don’t consciously think about it, the words can have a powerful influence on your daily activities.
2. Ask God to open your eyes to His presence throughout your day.
You will begin to see Him in the seemingly mundane activities and you will be sensitive to his ever-nearness. Ask Him to teach you as you cook, fold laundry, and talk with your kids. Some of the best lessons are not planned and happen in the moment.
3. Write verses on index cards and affix them to your kitchen cupboards and bathroom mirrors!
You’ll be surprised how fast you memorize them. The words will sink deep into your heart and mind. Choose verses that help in the areas in which you are struggling. God’s truth penetrates through the lies of the enemy.
4. Get together virtually with your close friends who encourage you in your walk with God.
Whenever possible meet “face to face” through the various online platforms like zoom and FaceTime.
5. Get outside for walks alone with God.
Sunshine and fresh air have many positive effects on the human body and can alleviate “cabin fever.” If you’re able, take a solo walk to talk with God, process your emotions and clear your head.
6. Take advantage of free online Bible study resources being offered during this time of quarantine.
Lifeway has some for free until May 18, and YouVersion Bible app has free short studies as well, including this one from Brooke McGlothlin. We also love Katie Orr’s Bible study Hub, and Teri Lynne Underwood’s Scripture Dig!
7. Stay connected to a church community.
Most churches have gone online and offer tons of resources for families throughout the week. Online services and worship can be especially sweet times for families to connect with each other and other believers. The doors may be closed, but the Church is open!
8. Pray on your own and with someone else.
During these stressful days, lift your praises and requests up to God. We’re invited to approach His throne of grace with confidence. Also, pray through worries and struggles with your spouse or a close friend. God promises to be close to those who gather in His name.
9. Find someone to encourage.
Drop off goodies to someone celebrate a birthday, take groceries to an elderly neighbor, mail a just-because gift to a fellow mom, send a funny or prayerful text to a friend. Serving someone else can immediately shift emotions from discouraged to hopeful.
10. Look for the gifts.
Scripture says that every good and perfect gift comes from above. Although these are strange times, they provide unique opportunities. Siblings playing together. Heart-to-heart conversations with our kids. Walks and bike rides and picnics in the back yard. Notice the gifts God is pouring out on you and your family. Gratitude reminds us that our God cares deeply for us and we are safe in His arms.
Are you feeling weary?
Today, if you’re feeling worn out, worn down, weary—may we offer you some hope?
There is a God who loves you, sees you, and wants to empower you with truth that can set you free to experience joy, peace, and even purpose in your mothering. You just have to want Him to.
Stacey Thacker and Brooke McGlothlin created a 5-day devotional series based on their book, Hope for the Weary Mom: Let God Meet You in the Mess, to help you get started on this journey of overcoming weariness and choosing to live a hope-filled life.
It’s called Dear Weary Mom, and is a series of letters from their heart to yours—a perfect place to find the God who wants to meet you in your mess.
We are struggling with this in our home right now. Thank you for the encouragement.
You are welcome, Amy! We all need to be reminded, don’t we?!
Its been a constant struggle for my 15 yo old to keep his room tidy. And sometimes it drives me crazy because i can see it from the kitchen. Yesterday he replied, “Your room is the same way ‼”
This morning, I made my bed and put most of my last weeks laundry away.