How Social Media Affects Our Kids, with Protect Young Eyes

THIS MONTH’S PRAYER GUIDE: Praying God’s Word for Your Child to Have Wisdom

Should you get your child a device for Christmas? Allow them to have the latest social media apps?

Our children are guinea pigs in many ways. They are living a life we never lived, or at least living it in a way we never had access to because of social media and cell phones. Research is just now coming out about the impact of social media and cell phone usage on our children, especially post-pandemic, when our children were most likely on their devices more than any of us were thrilled about.

This episode is the first of a 2-part interview with Chris McKenna, of Protect Young Eyes, about the impact of social media on our children. In it, we tackle questions like:

  1. What’s the updated research on how social media is affecting our kids? Specifically post-pandemic?
  2. What are some general principles for parents who are talking to their kids about social media?
  3. How should they approach their kids?
  4. What’s important for parents to know about their children, and about how social media works?

Don’t miss this important episode friends. It sets the tone for part two, airing next week, where Chris leads us through a deep dive on the top five social media apps…what they are and how they work.

Today’s show is brought to you by our newest prayer guide, Praying God’s Word for Your Child to Have Wisdom.

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How to Pray God’s Word for Your Children

Praying God’s Word for Your Child to Have Wisdom

Download Your Free Cell Phone Checklist

Protect Young Eyes

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